Characteristic of Greedy Algorithms

The greedy algorithm is a problem-solving approach that builds up a solution step by step by choosing the most immediate, locally optimal choice at each step, with the hope of finding a globally optimal solution. This method is widely used for optimization problems where you aim to maximize or minimize some value, like profit, cost, or time.

Let’s discuss the characteristics of greedy algorithms in detail, so you can better understand when and why this strategy works.

Characteristics of Greedy Algorithms:

1. Greedy Choice Property

This is the core principle of any greedy algorithm. The greedy choice property states that a solution can be constructed by making a sequence of choices, where each choice is the best available at that moment (locally optimal). Once a choice is made, it is never reconsidered.

  • What it means: At every step of the algorithm, you make a choice that looks the best without worrying about the future.

2. Optimal Substructure

For a problem to be solved using a greedy algorithm, it must exhibit optimal substructure. This means that the optimal solution to the problem contains within it optimal solutions to sub problems.

  • What it means: If you have solved a part of the problem optimally, then combining it with the locally optimal solution for the remaining part will also give an overall optimal solution.

3. Non-Reversible Decisions

Once a greedy choice is made, it cannot be undone or reconsidered. This is a critical aspect of greedy algorithms—each decision is final and builds toward the solution. The algorithm doesn't backtrack or refine previous choices.

  • What it means: Once you make a greedy choice, you don't look back or revise your decision.

4. Locally Optimal Choices Lead to a Globally Optimal Solution

In problems that can be solved with a greedy algorithm, the local optimal choices (decisions made at each step) eventually lead to the globally optimal solution. This only works for certain problems that satisfy the greedy choice property and optimal substructure.

  • What it means: The sum of the best local decisions leads to the best global outcome.

5. Efficiency

Greedy algorithms are often efficient because they make decisions in a single pass (or a few passes) through the data, avoiding the need to explore all possible solutions like dynamic programming or backtracking would.

  • What it means: Greedy algorithms typically run in O(n log n) or O(n) time, depending on the problem and whether sorting is required.

6. Fails for Some Problems

A key characteristic of greedy algorithms is that they don't always guarantee an optimal solution for all problems. Greedy algorithms are problem-specific, meaning they only work when the problem satisfies certain properties like the greedy choice property and optimal substructure. In problems without these properties, greedy algorithms may produce suboptimal solutions.

  • What it means: If the problem structure doesn’t align with the greedy approach, you may not get the best solution.
  • Example: In the Coin Change Problem with denominations like 1, 7, and 10, the greedy algorithm might not give the optimal number of coins. For example, to make 14, the greedy algorithm would choose one 10-coin and four 1-coins (5 coins), but the optimal solution is two 7-coins (2 coins).

7. Solution is Constructive

Greedy algorithms construct a solution incrementally by adding elements one by one based on a specific criterion (such as the lowest cost or highest value) until the problem is solved.

  • What it means: You build up the final solution step by step, without needing to solve the entire problem from scratch.

Summary of Key Characteristics:

  • Greedy Choice Property: Make the best local choice at each step.
  • Optimal Substructure: A problem can be broken into smaller subproblems that are also optimally solvable.
  • Non-Reversible Decisions: Once a choice is made, it cannot be undone.
  • Locally Optimal → Globally Optimal: Local choices lead to the overall best solution (for problems where greedy works).
  • Efficiency: Greedy algorithms are generally fast and simple.
  • Fails for Some Problems: May not always give the optimal solution, depending on the problem.
  • Constructive Solution: Builds up the solution step by step.


Greedy algorithms are powerful for certain types of problems but are not universal. They are easy to implement and often very efficient, but the success of this approach depends on the problem satisfying specific properties. Understanding when and where to apply greedy algorithms is key to using them effectively.


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