

What is a Flowchart?

A flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm or a process, using different symbols to denote various types of operations, decisions, or flows of control. It visually outlines the steps of a task or process in a logical order, helping people understand how a particular task is to be carried out.

Each symbol in a flowchart represents a specific type of action.One reason why flowcharts are so popular is because they use standardized shapes that almost anyone can instantly recognize.

Here are the seven  most common shapes used in a flowchart.
  • Ovals represent the start and end of the process..
  • Rectangles represent processes or instructions.
  • Diamonds represent decision points (e.g., yes/no or true/false choices).
  • Parallelogram represent input output symbol.
  • Arrows represent the flow of control from one step to the next.
  • Circle on-page connector
  • Five pointed polygon off-page connector

How Flowcharts Help in Program Development

Visualizing the Problem: Flowcharts provide a clear and organized visual representation of the steps involved in solving a problem, making it easier to understand complex processes.

Designing the Algorithm: They help in designing the logical flow of an algorithm, including sequencing, decision-making, and loops, ensuring a structured approach.

Code Planning: Flowcharts act as a blueprint for writing code, providing a clear structure that can be easily translated into program instructions.

Error Prevention: They allow developers to spot logical errors, missing steps, or inefficiencies in the algorithm before actual coding begins.

Debugging and Testing: Flowcharts guide debugging by allowing developers to trace the logical flow and identify issues. They also help in generating comprehensive test cases by covering all possible paths.

Team Communication: Flowcharts improve communication among team members and stakeholders, ensuring everyone has a common understanding of the process.

Documentation and Maintenance: Flowcharts serve as documentation, making it easier for future developers to understand and modify the program.

Optimization: By visually analyzing the process, developers can identify opportunities to simplify or optimize the code for better performance.

In summary, flowcharts provide clarity, structure, and efficiency throughout the program development lifecycle.


Flowcharts are a powerful tool in program development. They guide developers through problem understanding, algorithm design, coding, debugging, and optimization. By using flowcharts, developers can approach complex problems more systematically and produce better-structured, efficient, and error-free code.


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